Teen Fellowships

Israel Fellowship (IFellows)

The Israel Fellowship is a program in which the applicant will be an advocate for the State of Israel on their college campus. IFellows will carry the tools and resources they need in order to have meaningful, honest discussions about Israel with their peers. The Teen Israel Fellowship at Temple Beth Sholom is designed for exceptional 11th and 12th graders who have a passion for Israel engagement, education and advocacy. ​

Justice League

In alignment with our Temple’s mission, the Justice League is a year-long cohort for advanced high school students who want to deepen their Jewish experiences of learning, service and advocacy. Justice League is open to Jewish 11th & 12th graders, regardless of Temple membership status. Admittance into Justice League will be selective by completion of the below application only, and commitment must be 100% for the year. 


Our new and exciting Madrichol program allows teens (grades 9-12) the opportunity to develop leadership and communication skills as they plan and implement programming for Mini and Micro BESHTY (grades K-5). The Madrichol meet once a month with Seth Cohen, our Youth Advisor, to learn leadership skills and to use these skills to create programming for upcoming youth events; and then they implement and staff these programs with our youth. The Madrichol form lasting bonds with each other and have a meaningful impact on their students. We hope you will join this great group of high schoolers as role models and leaders in our community! For more information, contact Seth Cohen (seth@tbsmb.org) or Rabbi Loiben (rabbiloiben@tbsmb.org). 

*Madrichol = madrich (leader/guide) + kol (all/everyone)

As Hebrew is a gendered language, we chose to call our new teen leadership program Madrichol to be intentional about our language and inclusive to all, as we aim for the teens to be role models in the community, leading the community with our highest ideals.


For further information on these programs, events, registration, or financial assistance, please email Rabbi Loiben.